5 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Holiday Weight Gain
Did your New Year’s resolution include finally getting healthy and losing weight in the coming year? If so, you’re not alone. The beginning of a new calendar year is typically when most people vow to shed those final stubborn pounds once and for all. But what many fail to consider is that the holidays are practically made to sabotage even the best of intentions. Between Thanksgiving feasts, office holiday parties, cookie exchanges, gingerbread houses, Advent calendars, roast goose with red cabbage and pre-Christmas mugs of hot spiced cider – these joyous celebrations come with some serious side effects if not approached cautiously. In fact, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day – also known as peak holiday season – the average person will gain anywhere from five to 10 pounds.
Make a plan, then stick to it.
It’s easy to feel pressured when you’re attending so many
parties or hosting your own holiday get-togethers. But if you’re not careful,
you’ll end up overdoing it and sabotaging yourself when it comes to your health
and weight-loss goals. So before you throw yourself head-first into the
festivities, make a plan for how you’ll navigate these holiday hazards, while
still enjoying yourself and being social. And by all means, don’t let the
holidays become the excuse you use to throw in the towel on your resolutions
instead go and purchase online vegetable shopping in Chennai. If you really want to lose weight, then do it! But be
realistic and keep your expectations under control.
Don’t skip meals.
The day before Thanksgiving, many people begin carb or fruits and vegetables
online in Chennai loading in
preparation for the massive feast that lies ahead. While carb loading can be a
great practice, it’s important to remember that you still need to eat
healthfully and that you shouldn’t go overboard. Many people will also take
this opportunity to “cleanse” or “fast” in order to fully maximize their carb
loading efforts. While this may be a good idea for a committed athlete looking
to put on muscle, it’s not a good idea for the rest of us who are just trying
to lose a few pounds. While skipping meals can be useful in helping you lose
weight, it’s a practice that should be done carefully and done sparingly.
Missing meals is an excellent way to kick start a rapid weight loss effort, but
it’s important to remember that rapid weight loss isn’t sustainable.
Stay hydrated.
The holidays are often a time when people consume
unhealthy amounts of alcohol. And while a glass of wine or a beer can be
enjoyed in moderation, most people tend to go overboard. Alcohol is a diuretic
and will cause you to lose water through urination. When you’re losing water,
your body is also losing electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential minerals
found in your blood (sodium), muscles (potassium), and fluid surrounding your
cells (magnesium, calcium, chloride and phosphate). This can lead to
dehydration, which can have a negative impact on your overall health,
especially if you’re drinking in large amounts. So be sure to stay hydrated
during the holidays and beyond by drinking plenty of water.
Go for protein.
People who are trying to lose weight often go for buy fresh fruits online Chennai high-fat, high-sugar, or high-carb foods in order to
satisfy their cravings quickly. While this can be a great short-term strategy,
it’s not a sound long-term strategy for someone hoping to lose weight. What you
want to do instead is seek out protein-rich foods. Not only do protein-rich foods
help you feel full, but they can also help your body build and maintain muscle.
Protein-rich foods to seek out during the holidays include legumes (like
chickpeas), nuts, and seeds, as well as low-fat dairy products and lean meats.
Mix up your workouts.
Many people who are focused on losing weight will begin
doing lots of cardio workouts, like running or cycling, in order to help them
shed pounds quickly. While cardio has its place in a sound exercise routine,
you don’t want to make it your sole focus. Instead, you want to add a dose of
strength training to your workout routine. Strength training can help you lose
weight in a variety of ways, including making it easier to build muscle and
encouraging your body to burn more calories throughout the day.
Don’t fear the dark side – eat it up!
Many people are so focused on eating healthy that they
miss out on some of the more decadent, yet delicious treats that are available
during the holiday season. Yes, candy canes, gingerbread, and peppermint bark
are loaded with sugar and empty calories. But these treats also provide a quick
shot of energy and they’re delicious! So, don’t be afraid to indulge. What’s
important is that you don’t let your desire to indulge ruin your diet or your
overall health. Make a conscious decision to eat a few pieces of candy or a
couple of gingerbread cookies, then move on with your day. Don’t let the
holidays become an excuse to go overboard. Instead, keep your eyes on the prize
and enjoy the season.
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