10 High-Protein Fruits and Vegetables You Should Eat Every Day

A high-protein diet helps you get more protein in your food. High-protein fruits and vegetables are those that offer a higher concentration of protein than most other fruit or vegetable options. You don’t need to eat only high-protein foods, but if you want to increase the amount of protein in your diet, then eating these types of products is a good place to start. What constitutes a high-protein fruit or vegetable depends on the individual. Some people may consider any fruit with 5 grams of protein or more as “high-protein,” while others may think anything under 10 grams isn’t worth mentioning. Luckily, most experts fall somewhere in between, which means there are plenty of fruits and veggies that fall into the high-protein category. What is protein? Protein is a macronutrient that’s essential for proper growth, immune system function, fruits and vegetables online in Chennai , and metabolic processes. The human body uses protein to build muscle, repair cells, create neurotransmi...